About us

About us

OneNews18.com is Hindi News platform, which serves news content in Hindi and its mission is to connect people in their own local language. OneNews18 was started with the sole intention of serving the larger online community of users in India. Breaking News, Views and Features on various national issues and politician developments. From international affairs to local happenings. It features the latest news, in the form of text, pictures and videos. The site is updated continuously throughout the day.

The website provides updates on national news, international, sports, business, travel, gadget, Political, Entertainment, lifestyle, etc. Having over Millions monthly active users, OneNews18 offers updates and news pieces in your native language.

A team of writers work in a committed manner to bring out the news updates to the readers. It serves several unique and useful videos for its audience in their language. Our content (text, image, video) is available on the web, mobile web, mobile apps and social media.

The Onenews18 Hindi News portal covers all the latest developments on a real-time basis in the fields of politics, sports, business, lifestyle, entertainment and even local city issues, offering you a complete perspective of your world. Analysis from expert and celebrity columnists give you unique insight into developments, helping you stay a step ahead.

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